rdubnpk They have come out with an estimated (and I'm sure it is low) monetary cost for the war in Iraq of $1 trillion dollars. The defecit is hovering around, you guessed it, $1 trillion dollars. Had it not been for Bush's boondoggle, we might have come through the economy going to hell, Obama's throwing money away at that problem, and the implementation of Obamacare and STILL broken even. Oh, and that doesn't even take into account the terrible loss of life and limb and the future costs that are going to be encountered to deal with that. Mission accomplished! I want to take this opportunity to wish you all Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays in whatever wording that suits your particular mojo. May we all experience a prosperous New Year filled with the hope that Washington might finally get its stuff together.
By your flawed reasoning, now that the Iraq war is over we will not have a budget deficit. I got this nice bridge for sale.... Take your trillion dollar figure divide it by the total number of years the war was fought and it will be plain to see the Iraq war ceasing isnt going to do a whole lot for our budget issues.
I REALLY want some of what you are smoking! It must be really good! 1 Trillion dollars in debt? What happen to the other 14 Trillion dollars? Did that get paid off today? And if you paid attention you would know that Obama's claiming all the savings now but the bills don't start coming in until 2013 and beyond, conveniently AFTER he is out of office so whoever is in office at the time can get blamed for the huge bill, not him. Really try and listen to more than the 30 second news bits or reading more than the political commentary of those bloggers that call themselves reporters on the Huffington Post. You'd be amazed by the amount of information you are missing. On another note, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too! Here's to wonderful trips to our favorite place where for at least for a week or two all of this doesn't matter. :headbanger: Jamie
rdubnpk The defecit didn't arrive over night, either. W was accumulating it his entire presidency. Remember, we had a budget surplus at the end of the Clinton presidency.
Clinton had the luxury of the dot com boom, which as we all know was a bubble. The bubble busted around the time Bush got voted in, and we were attacked by terrorists in 2001..Clintons budgets also figured in surplus SS payroll taxes, which were basically stolen and a huge contributor to the mess we have now. However, I look back on the Clinton years as good times, as compared with this dirtbag Obama.
There is one other factor that oftentimes gets missed in the so called Bush Deficits. Don't forget that the last two years of Bush's presidency we had a Congress controlled by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Those two have never seen a dollar that shouldn't be spent seven times over for some of their boondoggle social programs. Want a free cell phone with 250 free minutes a month? Harry and Nancy think you should have one.