I was talking with my Mom the other day and she told me that she had a dream that I was on a Mexican cruise and that the ship was taken over by pirates.I don't know if it's a sign, but it got me thinking has there ever been a pirate attack at TTR? :icon_razz:
Zurc, How about a Nuggets shirt? We can pick them up for next to nothing in Denver (they are probably giving away Anthony shirts)..
That would be cool. I have family in Denver. Did you want a Spurs shirt as well? The stores seem to really just have the basic ones. I don't know if that has to do with the lockout or not but it's seems like the well is kinda dry this year.
I hate hearing that a few of us are going to be in less that top form, but I know lots of us will be willing to offer a helping hand! This may turn out to be the most pampered trip Sue,Craig and George have ever spent at TTR! see ya in 3 weeks!!!