Basically what we're doing is combining our theme nights with the resorts. You don't have to go in the pool so we'll just do our costumes and either hang out at the pool or patty o's or go in the pool and change later. The bar crawl is for the people who want to leave or you can do the white night at the resort so you have options. A good example is I don't really leave the resort so I would do the white night and chill with the people that stay but a bunch of people will go downtown and hit up all the bars for a pub crawl. It's just a nice way to plan ahead for your vacation.
Thanks for the info..In your opinion and in expereincing many theme nights... what are the favorites and get best turn outs? Cheers!
I'm one of those idiots that has to go overboard for everything so my opinion my not be the best informed. That being said I enjoyed school night where I just got a graduation gown and we got alot of people. We did a mesh/fetish/glow night that was a big hit which pretty much encompasses whatever you can think of. Last year white night was a disappoinment because there just wasn't any organization to and it felt like nothing special but I got a zoot suit this year so at least I'll feel I tried. The best of course is lingerie night. No ones there to judge, it's a blast and if you want to hang out all night at the bar afterwards no one going to really say anything. Your going to have an excellent time no matter what but it's just something that adds to the trip.
Lol, It's acutally a pretty light material and breaths pretty well. I decided I should at least try and dress like a gentleman once during this trip.
hi, hi ... well take it as done ! sizewise please consider that european sizes by trend being bit smaller then U.S. sizes. so for me 'L' size would be fine and perfect. a black SPURS shirt with logo sounds nice and dev no need to hassle with one of the MAVERICKS! by the way noted the 6th is 'take it easy' .... just an idea to call people to wear shirts/jerseys/trickots of their favourite nba/nhl/nfl/soccer teams ... could be looking very sporty and colourful ... 30 days count-down-mode switch on ! sporty greetings from good ole germany !
good idea with the support your team theme. One year I wore a Penn St shirt and there were a lot of Iowa and Ohio St fans there so it made for some good natured ribbing and conversation. BTW - Marlene's parents are from Koln and Bavaria. I have played soccer all my life and ended up with an Austrian/German Club in New York...Blau Weiss Gottschee Question - for the italian restaurant night. Do we all make separate reservations or will someone make a group reservation and we see who shows up. We get in on the 3rd so not sure if we will be able to make reservations that fast. Last comment - looked in my liqour store and noticed a big display for alcohol infused whipped cream....any suggestions/requests on flavors?
Wah! I fly out on the 3rd, so I will miss out on the whipped lightning you're bringing. We can't get it in Canada. Who will be my BFF and bring some during my week? :ernaehrung005:
I'll grab some when I'm in The US over the next couple of weekends. I knew I bought that extra luggage package for a good reason! :clappyinghappy: