October 1 to the 31th , 2011 Partydoll, Oct 6, -1.5lbs Deb, Oct 6, -0.5lbs Monique Oct 7, -1lb kmontoya Oct 14, -2.5lbs Allison Oct 14, -2lbs Partydollgirl Oct 20,-2.5lbs Deb, Oct 21, -1 lb Roxie Oct 28, -3.5 Allison Oct 28, -1lb Monique Oct 28, -1lb we have 3 more days, lets go to friday and see how much we lost as a group after adding this week..
Haven't gotten to the gym near as much as I wanted, but kept eating on the right track. Down another pound, planning to hor the gym hard next week and get ready for Cabo.....CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
I was down a pound this morning. And considering I missed four workouts this week due to my bummed knee I am really not sure how that happened. I really didn't eat well either. Oh well I am taking it. 14 days Kim, I wish. It's going to be a long 5 months.
Down just over a pound from last week!!! Been adding a few more carbs into my diet and figuring out which ones I can have has caused some day to day fluctuations, but down over all!
well have behaved ok. went out to eat last night got a small chicken salad, tasted good, but must of been bad about 1 hour after eating it i got really sick!!! really sick!! just siting around today seeing if i will feel alright to go to the halloween party tonight!! i had better be! krazie katie will be here in a little while so i had better snap out of it. phil went to the gym without me. it had to be the food though because i went to the gym right before we went out, and i felt just fine.
well felt good enough later on sat. so went to the party. it was fun. nothing grand but fun. still havent worked up much of an apitite yet. but maneging. phil on call all week, so hope it doesnt get in the way of gym this week.
I`m hurting even worst today.........so no work out today, lots of make me feel better junk and bad news my MRI is not until Jan 9th. 3 more months to suffer to just find out what I did to my knee two months ago. This absolutely sucks. I just want ot wear my stilettos again.
well gym was fine last night. got 30min. eliptical in started on the treadmill then phil got a call out. so had to leave. had hardly any trick or treaters! the little hot dog plain ole skipped our house or rang the not working bell then ran next door. need to give that damn choc. away! cant have it sitting in the house. got to give out one doggie treat though. cute! sorry about the knee still being a pain in the butt!! when i hurt my knee a few years ago, the one docs. said put this brace on dont move it. so i diddnt then 2mnth. later went for the mri, he said i should have been moving it. had to work to get the full range back, and 6month. it still felt wobbly so had to get the acl repaired. after he got in there he said, yea it wouldnt have healed on its own, it was tore almost all the way through. its a good thing i had pleanty of tendon surrounding it to use so he diddnt have to put in plastic stuff. hope it gets cleared up soon for ya!! but am really glad that i fixed it. cant have wobbly knees, not good for dancing at all!!!