Hope you're feeling better today, Jesse. Think of it this way: get the obligatory autumn cold out of the way now, and you'll be healthy for the trip!
Thanks. Other than going to the store for juice I haven't left home in 2 days. It's the hot and cold flashes that are the biggest pain. Could be a form of Manopause. I read somewhere it exists but I think I'm too young for it.
And now the official hand wringing chomping at the bit anxiousness begins. 1 month to go!!! artytime:
:huepfen021:Wooohoooo.....great news....our flight leaves 3 hours earlier on the 26th....should be at the resort about 6:15/6:30 and ready to party! :lotsofmichaelfs: AND it leaves three hours later on the 10th....that's a full 6 extra hours at TTR! :huepfen013::huepfen013::huepfen013:
:daveandmo: Sweet. Take a list and let me know your drinks then. I'll have them ready for your eminent return when you get there.
Updated events and theme nights BEACH/LOBSTER DINNER ADDED.. tuesday 29th.nov---BACK TO SCHOOL. wednes 30th.nov---DRESS TO IMPRESS thursd 1st dec---lingerie/CASINO friday 2nd dec-WHITE NIGHT/BAR CRAWL OUT OF RESORT.. satu 3rd dec-LOBSTER/STEAK BEACH DINNER/POOL PARTY/XMAS THEME. sunday 4th dec--RESORT ITALIAN RESTAURANT..GROUP MEAL monday 5th dec--KINKY /FETISH NIGHT...ANYTHING GOES tuesday 6th dec--EASY NIGHT IN PREPARATION FOR BOOB CRUISE. wednes 7th dec.....STEV¨ES BOOB CRUISE. 9am to 6pm...CONFIRMED. thursday 8th dec--lingerie/CASINO friday 9th dec--WHITE PARTY/BACK TO SCHOOL theme. saturday 10th dec..POOL PARTY/XMAS PARTY sunday 11th dec..FINAL SUPPER..RIO STEAK HOUSE IN FRONT OF RESORT.
Awesome! 4 rum and cokes and 2 rye (Canadian whiskey) and coke plus a round or two of wet pussies with you and whoever is around will be a great start! Can't wait to get there! :ernaehrung015: artytime: