It's like I said before Kelly, bad weather isn't continuous. There was a storm last week that affected the area for a few days but the last 4 days have been great. Nice and sunny during the day, cool and fresh at night. Storms/Hurricanes typically affect the area for 3 or 4 days at a time. This time of year they are at their peak so are not a surprise to those of us that live here. At the best, weather predictions are only accurate 4 or 5 days in advance and even then things can change a lot. No way of saying if Nov 7th to 14th will be nice weather or not this far out. Kinda like me asking you if it will snow in Toronto during Nov 7th - 14th, it might do but no one can be sure whether it will or not, two weeks away.
LOL - well at least I can tell you with some degree of accuracy that it will rain in Seattle sometime this week, that is a given Good luck to everyone there - hope the storm takes a different path!
Steve, what would we do without you???? You're the best. Will we be able to see you in TTR? Or are you just a name without a face here on cancun care ? lol Would love to meet up for a drink or two or three Anyways, as long as im far from my daily grime here in Toronto and I have booze, Ill have a friggen GREAT TIME. Im thinking positive and sure that in 2 weeks time it will all have passed Positive thinking right? Talk soon Steve and again THANK YOU!!!!!!!
TOMSTER, We are sooo partying beside you Ill grab a couple bottles too as long as its not nasty gusty winds nor lightening, Ill be in the pool drinking... hoping to see all ya there
Can't say I like the path this storm seems to be taking but storms don't always follow the forecast path. Fingers crossed for you guys!
Count us in! I'm bringing some Limoncello and Whipped Lightning (alcohol infused whip cream) and Will is bringing Maestro Tequila. We will have a party no matter if its inside or outside!
Hopefully our flight won't be cancelled (landing at thursday afternoon at 1:30p)... but if it isn't it sounds like we may all be having some interesting room parties! We do have a first floor jacuzzi room reserved.. don't know which one yet.
We are used to hurricane parties in Florida! The first thing on the list of your hurricane emergencies is booze and lots of it!