Ah, Dee and Duncan. Yes, it was you two that would be put out by me messing with the date. How nice are YOU to be willing to be flexible like that :clappyinghappy:! The least I could do would be to store your luggage and let you shower up in my room! :icon_rolleyes:
Ok, that's good to know. We are thinking 8pm might be good cause that will give us lots of time to stumble off your boat, say goodbye to our new friends and clean up before we head out. We'll be in touch soon to arrange the details.
Thank you very much :ladiesman1: LOL, thank a bunch. :ladiesman1: We wouldn't want to miss it. Thank you lots. :ladiesman1: No problem, anything for a fellow Canadian :ladiesman1: it's not like we had a flight to catch. Thanks for the offer.
Either day for the Boobs Cruise works for us but would prefer Sunday that way Karen can make it too! Besides Sunday is a quieter day at the pool and who wants that?!? D&D, you can shower/change in our room too! One more month!!!
We need to have a theme night after the Boobs Cruise on the 26th/27th!! Ideas: toga, nurse/doctor, school girl/professor, or just a costume party. I like the costume idea that way everyone can just be whatever they want and won't have to buy something if they already have something they'd like to wear. Thoughts?? If there's support, I'll start a new thread.
I think the usual after booze cruise theme is Drunk and Passed Out! Seems like everyone always shows up as one or the other post cruise :ernaehrung015:
costumes + Cruising Ben & Deanna: Yay! Thanks for weighing in in favour of the 27th. I haven't heard from anyone yet who is opposed to changing the date. I'm always up for a costume night! That way, I can get smashed and behave badly, and the next morning deny it was me. Krager: Personally, I think Drunk + costume is the perfect combination. Especially if you have a costume that makes you look foolish. Zurc can attest to that. On the other hand, Passed Out + Anything is never a good combination. Are you in for the cruise on the 27th?
So, are we thinking costume party at the pool party on Saturday night? Honestly, a costum party would be fun, but we'll leave the planning up to you guys. We are only their for a short period of time, but we'll do whatever you all do.