So hubby was gone over 200 days so we have been so busy celebrating we barely have time to check the board.:.....but 6 more days till cancun!!
OK .....6 more days till we arrive.....Wow Taking a week off before we leave is now sounding like a poor choice.....It was 37 f this morning....
You should have taken the time off to recover after vacation. We are counting the days as well. Today was "last Monday" at work before Paradise!!! We can't wait. Paul
We will be there Oct 28th - Nov 6th for our 11th time. Looking forward to seeing our old friends and meeting new ones.
Haha you know it won't be the same without the donkey shots! And don't drink all the booze, I need some for when I arrive on the 14th!
Lol, true....I wonder if the donkey is still kickin' did get left behind iirc Can't promise there will be anything left for ya Keith, serves you right for missing halloween this year:icon_smile:
Well the 92 hour countdown has started w still a hundred things to take care of before we fly out......