11/27-12/4 Newly active here on the boards but we'll be there 11/27-12/4. Can't wait. Looks like a great crowd.
Welcome match and chuwero. Your right chuwero, your going during the best time and are guaranteed to have a blast. Match, don't worry to much about missing the cruise. Last year we ended up still doing it up all night at Patty O's so you'll be sure to get your first day done right.
We'll continue drinking and partying with you after the cruise. Might have to take a quick nap inbetween but we'll be ready to party it up again that night.
matchandhalf hey karen, so glad you are out of seclusion xxxxxxxxxxxx cant wait to meet you..get that chocolate martini ready for me pattyo bar 7pm on the 28th woop woop.. welcome to CHUWERO, I have had many a good party in vegas, you are gonna love cancun.
Zurc and Dee & Duncan: I will be taking a nap too before Paty O's on the 26th, as I have to be out of bed by 3:30 a.m. to catch my 6 a.m. flight...ugh! (I started to type that I would be joining you for a nap, BUT we just met...) MrMrsDiesel: Okay, I officially appoint you two as my welcoming committee on Nov. 26th. Keep an eye open for the bleary-eyed Canadian girl stumbling to the sexy pool at 3 pm with her bikini inside out, backwards, or forgotten entirely. Sue: Couldn't stand the lurking any longer! Two chocolate martinis coming right up. I will have the bartender well-trained by the time you arrive on the 28th. Or, as much as you can train a grown man, anyway
Men are much more fun when they misbehave, so far be it for me to interfere (unless of course the misbehaving involves failing to ensure a fresh drink is in my hot little hand as soon as the last one is empty: THAT s**t ain't funny). But if Jessie enjoys being trained, I can certainly accommodate him. Lend me your whip, Sue?