GEEEZZZ!!!!! Im not sure I can stand it 15 more days!!!!!!!! So ready to get there and relax and have a good time............:biggrinbandit:
I know we have 18 more days still and it is going sooo slowly-just keep thinking of the sun, sea and.... erm black russians!!! lol:lurking:
<a href="Graphical Tickers and Trackers: Weight Loss, Trying To Conceive, Pregnancy..."> <img border="0" src=" Vacation/dt/1/k/3410/event.png"></a>
Apparently we are due to get a cold snap here in the UK soon and if its anything like last year it’s going to be a problem. London literally stopped for like 3-4 days! not one went to work flights cancelled ect.. I hope it happened while I'm in Cancun then I can get some extra holiday time Cant wait!!!!!
Hey Steve, put me on the Nov and/or Dec roll call please. Finally got my new trip dates confirmed (below). So disappointed to be missing both the Nov. 26 and Dec 7 booze cruises, but damn work got in the way of my holiday planning. You know, if it didn't fund my holidays, I wouldn't put up with that nasty work bizness AT ALL!
It’s a pity you are going to miss the Boob cruse but you can still help me celebrate my birthday All the single ladies all the singe ladies................................. (Beyonce voice)
Woop woop! Count me in for the birthday bash. :birthday: I love birthdays (as long as someone other than me is the person getting older)!