Why....Thank you Chris, What a thoughtful hubby you are!!!!!...nothing like seeing yourself up close & personal!!..Wait til you come home and then.......lol :aktion047:..xx
Thank You all for comments, but what you dont realise is ....it's a standing joke in our household..."Me and Zips" do not get along. Every item of clothing I own with a zipper I manage to somehow or other get it snagged, stuck, broken! So, wearing this suit is gonna be quite a challenge for me. lol ....Karen x
Looks like our trip at the end of Oct is really going to be fun!!! Sure this is your first trip....lol
In red eh! "Excellent!"...So glad to hear there will be another hot zip walking around!!.....7th trip .wow!.....Look forward to meeting you both, Karen ( & Chris)
I love the zipper!!! Hi everyone. Voting has started for Miss Temptation. Please recruit all your friends to vote for me so that I can wear the "zipper bikini" in the finals in January! :xyxthumbs: Miss Temptation Contest 2011