I'll be looking at October dates as soon as we hit September. Already have a cruise based around Wallyworld's group penciled in for the 19th and happy to put on other dates in October if the demand is there. Please continue to add preferred dates here and also don't forget to add your dates to the October roll call which you'll find towards the top of the forum.
Boobs cruize for October 30th I have talked to a few couple that are interested for October 30th which is a Sunday. Sunday's are always quiet at TTR so a perfect day for a Boobs Cruize. Would love to try and make it happen. Let us know who is in!! Docnnurse!!
Going to be there Oct. 22nd to 29th we are also interested it sounds like alot of fun. Our 1st time to TTR and Cancun. Is this cruise much different than the catamaran cruise? Is it alot wilder or just alittle bit? I am more on the wild side the wife is alittle less but knows how to have a good time!!! Gary N Heather
Hi we arrive on the 29 October for two weeks and would also like to go on the Boob Cruise, we can fit in with any dates after this. Thanks Jem x
Steve, Unleash the boobs ! We are in....done deal. Hopefully we can fill the catamaran with 65 wild and crazy people. We might have to call it the "Birthday Bash Cruise". My wife's Birthday is the 21st and I see that yours is the 20th. There are a lot of Birthdays this week. I have talked to a lot of people on CC and there is interest in a golf cart pub crawl to North Point. This would add another dimension to your Boobs Cruise. Wally & Sue :lotsofmichaelfs::lotsofmichaelfs: