Any one hear of a boob cruise in Oct? We wanted to go last year but it was cancled. We are going to be there Oct 5 - 19th.:icon_lol:
Hi there Sunwrshper! I posted a couple of weeks ago on the October Roll Call thread trying to stir up some interest in a Boobs Cruise while we are there (9th to 16th, which totally overlaps your dates). Only had one other poster express interest at that point. We arrive on the 9th in the afternoon and leave on the 16th in the morning, so we would only be available for a cruise on the 10th to 15th. C'mon over to the October Roll Call thread and maybe you will have more luck stirring up interest that I did! :icon_biggrin: Sorry md/kj you are too early for us to jump aboard your boat!
Hi Karen & Kris, We are there from the Oct 1 to 15. We'd be interested in the cruise as well. Len & Jan (Also rampaging Oct 1st to 15th )
Yay! Okay, I'll go post on the October Roll Call and ask people to post on this thread if they're interested. Sorry my dates are rather limited (darn work gets in the way of my holidays), but hopefully we can make the 10th to 15th work for enough people....
I get there on the 10th and leave on the unfortunately that limits what days I can do...but would love to jump on for the 11th-14th
Ive talked to Steve about a cruise on the 19th... We have 21 in our group arriving on the 17th... I would hope we can get it done !!! Wally
Yep. We're in if it gets organized. We might also do another one earlier if this group gets one going.