HaHa....good point although. Even tho I can swim, when it comes to snorkeling I ain't wading water. I will wear a lifejacket! And I ain't embarrased! Call me the lazy drunk snorkeler!!!!!! Yes, i will be the one in the lifejacket!
Im working on trying to go for a few days like august 31st to September 4th.. just in case I cant go again later on. Ill keep working on it and let every one know asap.
Sunday Sept 4th is the one we are all talking about. When are you going to be there?? There is also one on Sunday August 28th, if you will be there then. But try to come to our cruise, it'll be funner!!! HEEEE:aktion033: If your dates are later than the 4th, you just have to wait and see if Steve gets one together on your dates, keep checking the boards.
I haven't seen anything on here for theme nights, but my wife is seriously considering getting a school girl outfit . . . and she's not super psyched about white night (doesn't like white pants on men, apparently). Maybe someone who's been there before can take the lead on trying to set up something? D & K
cool jim, that sounds like a plan. from reading about some of your antics, mops, closets, ect...... i believe partying with you would be a blast!! hope you can make it.
well if you book it this close you wont half to wait so long saves on nerves hope to see ya there:aktion069: