Thanks, we are hoping to have a great trip. I have a profile pic, but not sure why it doesn't show up when I post.
Ah body shots ok I'm in! Yes we will def be able to get to the bar Brenda! This is going to be the best trip ever! Just got a good feeling!
:lurking: wow did domebody say party???? oh my i thought that this was a family resort! no kids running around? how will i fill my time? i guess i will just have to try a drink or two. ok three!! just got my arm twisted!! im having a very hard time concentrating on work!! i guess its off to the lake to practice for the upcoming vac. let the count down begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:musik026:
:rainfro: another vote for Boobs Cruise group!!! ha ha land lubbers dont stand a chance!!!!:ernaehrung023: