I noticed the roll call was updated and I'm listed as 8 - ? I'll be there from the 8th to the 18th - first time! Anyone up for a trip to Walmart? I want to pick up some bottled packs or gallons of water-- what with the hot sun and lots of booze-- and any of the other things I will inevitably forget to pack! I'm not sure I'll be able to bring appropriate attire for the theme nights so I might need to buy something to wear. If anyone can remedy these things without a journey to Wally World I'm all ears!
ive done both. usa is faster, but hey you end up at the same place!!!! so dont sress. have a few on the plane!!!
I'd skip Walmart - pick up a Bubba Keg from Amazon for about $10 and keep that full of cold water. (Of course, a second Bubba Keg is in order for the real drinks.) The only theme nights you'll need anything for are white night and lingerie night. Both of those are easy enough for guys to bring from home. Otherwise just bring your trunks and whatever you'd wear out on the town, and spend that hour at the pool instead of at Wally World. Unless you're just jonesin to see a Mexican Walmart. :huh: We'll be partying it up on our last night when you get there - see you next month!
I am trying to avoid a trip to walmart, but if we both need to go we will be there when you are so we can share a bus. I don't want to spend any time away from the action, but you never know. The one thing I would consider a trip for is if the bed is so hard we need to buy a pad. wonder how much they are and if it is worth a baggage fee to bring one from home. Good suggestion about the bubba keg on Amazon. i will check that out today. Just got back from a fishing/drinking trip on cape code so i need this month to rest up for the cancun trip.
so it is about time to work up a Boobs Cruise. we will be there sept 8 - 14. anyone in that time want to go?
I love my bubba keg and they always replenish the water in room just hide it even if not used i end up with more then i need
I remember reading before our February trip that people were getting bed toppers from the front desk. We thought the bed was fine (or were always too full of party to know any better) so I don't know firsthand.
Oh yeah - should've mentioned that to J.T., too - housekeeping puts a big (1.5L?) bottle of water in your room everyday. It's warm but it's wet (c'mon guys, minds out of the gutter :cool014