Nice Job!!... I hope to be that patient.. lol of course I want it off now...haha!! I am starting back to the gym Monday if it kills me..haha!
No problem to drop that by Nov - all you have to do is get thru BBQ season and, oh ya stealing halloween candy
haha that is exactly the problem.. some think that oh 10lbs is easy.. but not if you only have 10lbs to lose.. its damn hard.. one BBQ dinner and a few drinks and pooof your scale just went up.. then add the same the next weekend and the next weekend .. hahah its not easy.
I hear ya, we are heading out on summer holidays next Thursday to Wisconsin Dells etc. for 2 weeks. It is going to be so hard top maintain some sort of decent eatting plan never mind the cheap beer in the'll do it though..just think of the reward at the end laying in the warm Mexican sun drinking some nice cocktails with new found frined s having a blast
Question Great thread, everyone. Awesome tool for motivation, advice and info. We've lost about 15-20 each pounds in 6 months and looking to lose another 15 or 20 before our December trip. Done it by doing lots of biking (2 hours once or twice a week since spring) and spin classes (2, 1 hour classes a week) together, 1/2 hour weights before or after spinning and just trying to eat better and healthier. Looking to pick it up a notch....everyone talks about water, water, water. I hate it because it's so bland. I have 2 10oz. coffees each morning, 20oz. vitamin water at lunch, and 10oz. green tea in the pm, and about 15oz of either lipton diet green tea or perrier/pellegrino at dinner. Would love to know from you experts out there how much of those 65oz's you think count as water. FYI - During biking or spinning, mix about 80% water and 20% fruit juice and drink about every 15 minutes. Thanks!!!
Well have made it to the gym a few times this past week and weight its still moving in the right direction, but now heading too the beach for a week with the family...... Plan to go for some beautiful runs but also plan to eat, drink & be merry!! Hoping I won't do too much damage on the scale, but I definitely need to relax in light of the last month!!!