Super jealous that some of you are already there, and that some of you are leaving tomorrow....I still need to write a paper and go through 2 more days of classes before I get to be there!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....So excited!!!!!!
3 days and counting...... How long does it take with USA Transfers to get from the airport to the hotel? Our flight doesn't arrive until 7:45 pm....
its about a 20 minute drive depending on which way the driver goes. There are two ways to get there. Last year our driver took back roads or something and we were there faster than the year before.
We are new to the forum and are looking forward to meeting this group Thursday and on the Booze Cruise. My wife is the shy one, everybodys help making her feel welcome would be great!! Ryan and Stacy
Hi Ryan & Stacy, can't wait to meet you guys too, we arrive thrusday afternoon, see ya at the sexy pool!!
Finally our turn to go!!!! Little G Ill see you at 5am everyone else see you at the sexy pool by noon!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!