I heard that you guys were getting ridiculously hot temps and while I am glad that we don't have that I wish we could get more than 11 days of sun since June and most of those rained at night too. We have never seen such a crappy summer. Cancun will feel nice to you, a cool to you then. There is a positive.
Viola and Mark September 2nd to 7th (4th or 5th trip to TTR) Up for a Steve Cruise if the is one Looking forward to hanging out with new friends
Been crazy hot here too! Hit 102 the other day! First time it's been over a 100 here since 1995. So I'm about as dark as I get!
I already miss the heat Girlie but i enjoyed it last week on vacation 38 days till we get the real heat !!
The high in Chicago today is "only" 85! And overnight it dropped below 70 for the first time in a couple of weeks. I had to dig the big coats out of storage. Gotta say, it was nice not sweating on the way *to* the gym. 38 more days... :huepfen013: