SOOOOOOOOO Jealous!!!!!! I know it was getting close so I had to get on here and smile at my ppl!!! Make sure when you get back, you tell me ALLLLL about it...I hate that we cant get WASTED on the Booze Cruise with you all this year. But we will live vicariously through all of your TR's when you return....I hate to admit it, but it looks like your 29th Booze Cruise will trump ours...happy CREAM time!! Miss you all
And we're up to the magic 50 thanks to funinvirginia. Still some spaces left. Just to confirm, meet up is at 9:15am in the lobby by the main entrance of the hotel. As mentioned previously Jannet and I will miss this one unfortunately as we'll be back in the UK but there will be one or two of the crew to meet everyone at the hotel and get things rolling. JeffnAlisa (2) Nat & Fab (2) BBGParty (2) Lefd123 (2) TNCouple (2) Rushingtobethere (2) Chris&Tata (2) Browns and Charmichaels (4) Soonercouple-2009 (2) PhilandMargaretScotland (2) Sunnycpl (2) Daphneinok (2) D&H Texas (2) RPM (2) 7Heaven (2) Downhill (2) 1Funcpl001 (2) Traco (2) Sexysadie (2) RobnStew (8) Funinvirginia (2)
Thanks Steve loving that magic number. Perhaps we should mention a list of what to bring or not to bring for some of the first timers..... We usually pack towels, sunglasses, sunscreen, camera and a bit of cash. Leaving our jewelery behind as nobody need to lose a silver or gold chain while partying. Also seems like alcohol infused whipcream is in order for this cruise. I think we got some on order too.....:icon_mrgreen:
You covered it all I think. You can rent a towel for $5 at the dock if you don't want to carry it there and back. But I'd suggest you just bring a hotel towel. The boat is surfaced with anti-slip paint so it's a little rough on the booty if you don't have something to sit on. Definitely dont bring jewelery you cant afford to lose if you want to snorkel. A mixture of sun screen, and colder water shrinking your fingers means it's easy to lose a ring if you're not careful. It's happened too many times and once lost they're almost impossible to find. Bring some money for shopping or extra drinks at downtown when you have free time if that's what you want to do. Drinks at lunch are included but not during the one hour or so in the downtown area. Also for tips, the guys work really hard and believe me you'll want to tip them. They don't make much as a basic so tips are what they rely on.
Now up to 52 welcome Ryan&Stacy. Still some spaces left. Just to confirm, meet up is at 9:15am in the lobby by the main entrance of the hotel. As mentioned previously Jannet and I will miss this one unfortunately as we'll be back in the UK but there will be one or two of the crew to meet everyone at the hotel and get things rolling. JeffnAlisa (2) Nat & Fab (2) BBGParty (2) Lefd123 (2) TNCouple (2) Rushingtobethere (2) Chris&Tata (2) Browns and Charmichaels (4) Soonercouple-2009 (2) PhilandMargaretScotland (2) Sunnycpl (2) Daphneinok (2) D&H Texas (2) RPM (2) 7Heaven (2) Downhill (2) 1Funcpl001 (2) Traco (2) Sexysadie (2) RobnStew (8) Funinvirginia (2) Ryan&Stacy (2)
One week away and we're up to 56 welcome Jackie D and Fun Time. Still a few spaces left. Just to confirm, meet up is at 9:15am in the lobby by the main entrance of the hotel. As mentioned previously Jannet and I will miss this one unfortunately as we'll be back in the UK but there will be one or two of the crew to meet everyone at the hotel and get things rolling. JeffnAlisa (2) Nat & Fab (2) BBGParty (2) Lefd123 (2) TNCouple (2) Rushingtobethere (2) Chris&Tata (2) Browns and Charmichaels (4) Soonercouple-2009 (2) PhilandMargaretScotland (2) Sunnycpl (2) Daphneinok (2) D&H Texas (2) RPM (2) 7Heaven (2) Downhill (2) 1Funcpl001 (2) Traco (2) Sexysadie (2) RobnStew (8) Funinvirginia (2) Ryan&Stacy (2) Jackie D (2) Fun Time (2)