The resort web site advertises a couples sensual massage at the spa. Wondering if any of you have tried it, is it just a regular massage ? Is it worth it ? Thanks for any info.
Mike and martaini We have been 7 times to TTR and had the couples massage 7 times.So for us the answer to you question well worth our money. Hope this helps.
Its a room that you both are in while getting your massages. You (normally) each get to pick your type of massage, then your in together, each having your own massuse. Its a VERY relaxing time to spend with your segnificant other. Plan a day for the massages, and they will let you use the facility all day (normally). Then just RELAX for the day in the pools, therapy rooms, and whirlpools.
couples massage and sensual massage are very different...sensual massage is very very intimate, light touches with oils and feathers. Then towards the end, they push the beds together and place your partners hands on you as well as yours on them. So that the two of you can start to touch each other. Then they leave you both alone...Had one last Monday....
The sensual massage sounds like something we'll likely try. Thanks everyone for the info. One more week and we'll be there! artytime: