Rofl! I love the look on the face of the poor guy second from the right in pool... Young man travelling to Cancun Mexico for a 7 day stay for the first time: $1890.00 Transfers to/from Temptation Spa & Resort and tips: $135.00 Fist full of condoms: $11.95 Sitting in a public pool watching a middle aged couple trying to 69 while clothed with a Mexican pulling on the womans ass: $$$$PRICELESS$$$$ Isku
Middle aged couple?!?!?!?!?!?! That man is about 65 and I am 29......and the mexican holding my legs is probobly 30......Its the Iron Woman contest, get a grip:aktion052: Fat mans name is Tiny
hahahaha....this was my favorite :icon_razz: you can tell from all of my pictures we are very happy together :liebe011:
Sry If I Couldn't See Your Exact Age... from that photo taken across a pool while your face was stuffed into a mans crotch who is an easy double your fathers age, but I lost my 5 min spot to use the "Hubble Telescope" to see better....Adding your 29, mexicans 30 and the 65 year old, it averages 37.5 years of those involved, which is middle didn't care about acting like that, don't start caring what's said now..bit late mate..LOL!:bash::bash: Isku