well I didnt do a thing...was gonna walk today at lunch but its gonna rain all day so Hoping to find a bit of motivation tonight.. actually its not motivation its energy.. and i know that if i get up and do it I will have more energy.. will try again tonignt..
I was all pumped up for yoga this morning when I rechecked the gym schedule and it's on Monday/Wednesday mornings not Tuesday\Thursday like I thought =( so I have to come up with a plan B for today! Kim and Deb-you can do it! =)
Alright everybody, we CAN do this!!! Don't let one day get to you. To help pump you up, I've come up with a cheer for the day!! Don't know if it applies to any of you, but it addresses one of my major problem areas!! :cheerleaders: ~ S ~ E ~ X ~ Y~ WE WANT SEXY, SEXY THIGHS!!! :cheerleaders: Pump & Flow class is on the calendar for me tonight....not my favorite, I'd much rather box!
Ok lets just say it, thighs, belly, butt, and some of us neck... I would love to be able to take all this extra and slide it up for bigger boobs...LOL