Were looking at going Dec. 2nd to 16th. We missed last years Boobs Cruise and lingerie night and wont miss it this year. Looking forward to it all this time!!
what days then folks?? well what days are we going to settle on for the Boobs Cruise.. because if we do friday it means getting up early after lingerie casino night ..which is usually a messy one?? from what i see most people are there 30th november to 10th dec.. so 2 boobs cruises are a possibility... what about wednesday 30th november and wednesday 7th.. please vote for which you prefer or if you can do both..lets get an idea of numbers.. i would be happy to do both..:fish1:
I'd be down for one of the earlier ones. I still like the begining of the week when the resort is more slower.
Still Trying to Figure Out the Days I am still trying to figure out the days that I am planning on going. Looks like a lot of you are planning Nov 28-Dec 12. I was hoping to go a little early around Thanksgiving time but looks like that would be a little early
fun time The 7th wil be good for us. See you all there for Fun. Is there any one how is doing a fishing trip in the first two weeks of December at TTR. :beer4:
We have some friends from Scotland who took one of the fishing tours last year and had alot of fun. They said they did alright as far as the catching goes.