I,ve travelled the south a lot over the years, bottom line is TTR will not survive on it,s current trend. They had a niche market and no competition. They can not compete on a level playing field with other adult resorts if they remove their xxx adult themes and go to G rated games.
Hi Donald, I think TTR Can Survive If.. And only IF, they intend to change the format/rules towards a more "normal" Adult Only resort and lower thier prices along with this new change.:angel2::angel2: Unfortunately, money talks as we see TTR as one of the cheapest Adult only/21+ aged all-inclusve resorts.:69::flash:artytime: Everytime I do a price check thru many search sites using Adult only/all-inclusive, it ranks at least in the top 3 cheapest in total costs. It's a major factor in us going to TTR, second was the sexy vibe/top-optional. I personally believe if TTR changes to match most other prudish Cancun-strip Adult only/21+ All-inclusive resorts, it may loose some repeaters, but will fill the void with others who might not know or care about body-shots, see-thru clothing and special events such as casino nights. Best remember it's a business, plain and simple, if TTR makes the owners money, they really wouldn't care if Mormons, Johovas or the cast of Glee uses the resort and keeps it full or at least making money every year. Just a old middle aged couples opinion. Isku
Their cheap for a reason. People turn a blind eye 1- to their over rated 4 *rating,, and #2 the fact you can barely go in the ocean surrounded by 2 marinas,,,,, because of their xx atmosphere and the great people that repeat the place because of the xx atmoshere.(and great front line staff) Take the xx away and some people will go else where with a real beach. Yes I've been to other Adult only places and their boring. But even more lame is paper airplane contests and G rated adult games Whats next, bingo?
Paper airplane game has been there since 2002 and they stopped bingo a few years ago when they ran out of the little markers. And I not sure what G rated game you are reffering too... Jamie
Jeff and Deb. Hi . Sometimes we have to take the bad with the good. Just hope the bad does not overwhelm the good. There have been discussions on here about where is there a place similar to TTR and no one seems to ever come up with a resort that even comes close. Maybe there is now, but there was none at the time of the discussion. Anyway we need to stick together and see what transpires. I agree with Steve and a few others, that business is business. That doesn't mean they won't shoot themselves in the foot either.
You mean Like several rounds of blind volleyball. Not only did they take away the tequila - they put up a blind so we can't even see the topless ladies jumping up and down. :huepfen021::flash:
Let's not be putting down the paper airplane contests. I've won 2 t-shirts, a bottle of wine, and a Gucci chain throwing paper airplanes there. Just be careful when they take your picture!
The paper airplane contest can be amusing as is the blind volleyball it's been on the list of activities for years. If you go with the mindset you will have a good time you will, don't get hung up on the possibility that you may or may not have a good trip because of the lack of one or two activities. Just my two cents.
Man I miss Bingo! Loved when the women would get 2 cards! That mean't you had to give bottoms! And good ole Chino's would make them work to get them back!