May 2011 Immigration Law Changes

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Mellow_in_Puerto Morelos, May 28, 2011.

  1. Windknot

    Windknot Regular Registered Member

    Sep 10, 2008
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    TJ, I don't think that is ever going to happen, especially now. An FM-3 is nothing more than an FMM that is good for 1 year, rather than just 6 months, so why have 2 different visas that do the same thing? I have noticed a HUGE difference in the way I am treated, when I have to produce my (FM-2) visa, as opposed to when I had an FM-3.

    For example, I travel a lot and I have yet to be searched at a military checkpoint or by aduana at the border, since I got an FM-2.

    Not too long ago, someone on this very board, posted that a vehicle permiso was not valid with an FM-2 and that is just not true. However, it IS true if you are a permanent resident. So that is why I asked what might happen with this new law that is coming.

    On the brighter side of just having renewed one's visa this month or last month.....this gives us just that much more time before our next renewal so that INM can figure out all these new changes and our renewal process next year, should be relatively painless, as opposed to those poor souls who have to renew in June or July....or August.
  2. ToriB

    ToriB Cancuncare Sun Care Advisor Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    FM3 is nothing more then a FMM, in what way do you feel so? I get discounts. I had to commit to a 1 year work contract. And there are many more advantages to having it over a FMM.
  3. davisod

    davisod Addict Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    My FM3 got me a Banamex account - yet for a reason that annually eludes my logic, I keep renewing, even after the bank account was achieved. Maybe its the hope of something down the road. Tori, what discounts specifically?
  4. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

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    The FM2/FM3 is proof of residence in Mexico (used to be proof of residence in QRoo until they changed to the card without an address on it). It's the only ID they will really take from foreigners for the "local discounts". All the big tours (Xcaret is 50% off I believe) offer deals for locals that require official ID. I have not paid full price for any "touristy" thing ever. I would say 99% of places offer deals for locals, anywhere from 25% to 50% (Rio Secreto, Hidden Worlds, Dolphin Discovery, Garrafon, Xcaret, Xel Ha, some of the Chichen tours, the ruins sites usually let me in for free on Sundays though that is supposed to be just for Mexican nationals).

    That said, with the new cards I have faced some resistance, a couple of places have said "This only proves that you live in Mexico, not in QRoo" so I carry my business card around with me as back up. One place wanted a letter from INM (yeah sure, standing there in my bikini in the middle of the Riviera Maya on a Sunday, I'll just run right back and grab that).

    ETA....I am rarely in the HZ anymore, but some restaurants offer deals for locals with ID too.....)
  5. Cancun Fun

    Cancun Fun Guest

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    Funny story....I have a friend that is having breakfast with the head of immigration this morning and he mentioned the new law and the guy didnt have a clue what he was talkin about. I sent him the link from the govt so he can get caught up!
  6. playagrandma

    playagrandma Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 2, 2010
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    new immigration rules

    I am in PLaya and the gentlemen that has done mind in the past, had the booklet with all the new changes. He had not looked at it yet-this was last week. My fm3 is up for renewal. I was all prepared to do it on my own this year-since the process WAS so easy. He called me to tell me that he had just come from immigration in Playa and was told that everyone had to have their last three bank statements again. Said the Playa office was really backed up and was told renewals in Playa are taking 4-5 weeks-not good for me since I leaving the end of June for a month. I am not happy right now!
  7. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Haha, love it! :D
  8. Windknot

    Windknot Regular Registered Member

    Sep 10, 2008
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    Sorry ToriB, .....once again I forgot that y'all live in a heavy tourist area. In most of Mexico, where they do not see anywhwere near the numbers of FMM's that are flashed around Cancun, (with the exception of course, of all the other tourist destinations...Acapulco, Puerta Vallarta, etc.) the FM-3 is sort of treated like the tourist visa. I am guessing the difference is the noinmigrante vs. inmigrante designation that shows on an FM-2.

    However I also feel that this might change with the new cards that look so similar.
  9. Gringation

    Gringation Guru Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2010
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    Don't you need an FM3 to live, work and study here? Don't think you can do that on an FMM
  10. ToriB

    ToriB Cancuncare Sun Care Advisor Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    From all the Blogs that I read, seems that is how it is everywhere in Mexico, not just the tourist areas.
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