Just finished shopping for tankini's to wear on the family trip in June:bash:, already have the one piece bikini's ready for TTR in July:angel2: Look forward to meeting everybody!
We will be there from July 9 - 16 ready to party and see friends from last year and make many new ones. :mermaid: PS We will be the drunk couple in the pool or at the bar we should be easy to find can't wait.:huepfen021:
Hey all, Anyone decided on any theme nights yet?? or any ideas being thrown around?? :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
Theme nights The 80's night sounds fun. Let's start setting dates. I cannot believe we are only 6 weeks out!! We are so excited!!
Theme nights It looks like we are going to cross paths. We will be there from the 6-12, we will be the other couple helping hold up the bar. Lol. What do you think about theme nights?? Let's start planning!! Looking forward to a great party!!
Just by reading ccc, it looks like Thursday's is lingerie night!!! That's one theme night down. Now to plan the rest???????