I don't think most of us know enough about him to have much of an opinion. I know his reputation is that he really out there. He is actually the rep from my son's district outside of Houston. Down there they love him. For me I don't know specifically what he stands for and whether or not I agree with him.
rdubnpk He is a Liberterian and, therefore, totally against government intrusion in to private life. He wants the wars ended and us out of them. He has never voted for a tax increase. He wants to legalize marajuana to partially empty the jails of people arrested for non-violent crimes. I don't believe he has ever voted on any anti-gun law. He is anti-abortion, at least to the extent that government should not be paying for it. He doesn't believe in any entitlement programs, because, again, that would be governement intervention.
I had a chance to check out Ron Paul's positions on a very brief basis. He's more than a little bit too far out for me. I'm not one of those people that thinks that government is inherently evil. I do think that many of the things that government does are either ill concieved or, at a minimum, not thought thoroughly through. Way back in the 1960's President Lyndon Johnson got into his Great Society and America's War on Poverty. He was going to end all poverty in America. All we did was create another monster government institution that did nothing other than blow through a lot of money. Noone bothered to think that there will always be some poverty, either by circumstances or by choice. That is just one small example of government at its worst.
rdubnpk Really makes no difference who is president. He can only do so much without beating his head against the brick wall that is Congress.
rdubnpk It''s scary. I am a life-long Democrat and he is starting to make sense to me!!! Of course after 8 years of W and 2 plus of Obama, anyone looks good. Had exited and had to come back on to say anyone with the notable exception of Sara Palin.............
Can't vote for him. Although I do appreciate the fact that he's not afraid to address some really sensitive topics!
Funny, we were just talking about RP in my office not five minutes ago...I don't think he's very electable, but now that Huckabee and Trump have dropped out, who knows? Perhaps his stock has gone up....