I believe we're at 23 now which is great unless I missed someone in there.. I'd really like to experience the cruise on the normal big boat.. I wanna go big this trip and do everything lol..
Yep we're now up to 23 people, too many now for the small boat - providing everyone shows up! Glenn/Monique (2) VinNDrunkE (2) TonyandLisa (2) Hor and Shaw (2) Hothertscpl (2) BigJK (2) Trestleboard (2) Eyvette1 (2) Georgia 1973 (2) btowns darkside (2) jme60 (3)
Just a reminder for everyone, we meet at the lobby/outside the main entrance at 9:15am. Don't be late!
Saaweet!! Welcome ladies! 23...We will get enough for the big boat...I know I can talk a few more into it. Drunk people are easily swayed...Haha!!
Still got 12 days to make 30 before we leave. Keep talking about it to people. Let's get this party going.
For those of you who have been before, are the seas typically pretty calm between cancun and isla mujeres? I'm just wondering if I need to bring the Dramamine.