matt is *almost* back to 100%... an entire week after he first started feeling icky... i, on the other hand, am still having TTR withdrawal symptoms i think.... so many of you that i wanted to get to know better, and yet, it just didn't happen. can't remember saying more than 2 words to jim or chet, not much more to jeff & deb on white night, and dont think i saw kim & brewster after the Boobs Cruise... from the pictures, it seems friday was the day i got to know some of you the most, and yet, i can't really remember that day for the most part. figures! haha! (although i know i got an ice-rub down by woody that afternoon... so it couldn't have been a total loss!) is it weird that i keep having reoccuring dreams of cancun?
Easter Sunday We arrive tomorrow (Easter Sunday), how is the sickness situation at TTR right now? Is it getting better or worse?
seemed so freakin long!!! Finally leave tomorrow morning April 25th. First trip there, but according to the posts we've seen. Here, it won't be our last. Can't believe how many people keep returning. Hope to have as much fun as all of you!!!! ARRRIBBBAAA!
Steve the Boobs Cruise operator says he met with 20 people and there was no complaints So alls clear to have fun :huepfen013:
Hey there Cutiepie, I do remember meeting you and feel that we never really did get a real chance to hang out, so many people so much to do. But i will say you are as cute as your avatar name. We have become April Addicts and will be back next year hope to see you there...
The sickness situation has not been seen since we have been here. I haven't heard of a single person being ill. I am sitting on the balcony typing this. The wifi in our room works great. Damn do I love this place!