I loved hangin with u guys in the hottub. Y'all are such a blast...and Lisa..the thought of Jim in ur thong is horrifying.
Thanks for the report. Always great to be there at the same time you guys are there. You had us worried earlier in the year.
A friend of mine asked me today what is so great about Cancun and Temptations, It was an easy question to answer, Its not the food, its not the drinks, its not the beach, its not the rooms, its not the weather, its hanging out with people I consider friends and just letting your hair down and having a great time. Our group is so diverse and from so many differents parts of the world, and different ages, but none of that matters, it is just a fun group of people, that is what make our trips to TTR so special
Well said I must say. I don't think I could have put it any better. As matter a fact I think I might have to borrow that. lol That is exactly why we came back. After meeting Glen and Monique and the rest of the group with them our first time we knew we were coming back. Now after meeting the April Addicts I am committed to coming back
This is an exert from an email I just wrote ''the Sex toy Chinese gift exchange after the lingerie party was hilarious'' I think I have more people coming next year lol