Glad you're in, sorry to hear about your house...holy smokes!!...We feel fortunate in many ways we don't get the hurricanes, tornadoes and such where we live, but living with this shitty cold weather 8-9 mos outta the year gets on your nerves a bit and puts you in a bad mood at the worst. Can't even imaging the damage a cyclone/hurricane/tornado could do
We're up to 22 deposits paid so far for this one, just 3 more and we'll meet the minimum numbers and switch this to confirmed. Plenty of time to go and plenty more room. D&TBamastyle (2) Zeus (2) Flistfi04 (2) Kuff&Vix (2) Icecube88 (1) Skieerj (2) Lotsatimers (2) Piratzjb (1) Tholdren (2) Aussiesmoothcpl (2) WVDeb/Eric (2) Craig5867 (2)
Thanks for keeping us updated!!! Come on people just 3 more!!!:clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy:
:lotsofmichaelfs:Yea Baby!!! HOT GROUP!!!!! We all gonna have the time of our lives! Who will be the lucky 3 remaining peeps to join us to ensure we have our boat ride?