You woke up at a bus stop Geez Jim taking this practice drinking a bit far eh!! Slow down, save some of that liver for Temptations...LOL :aktion069:
6 days for us!! can't wait to meet all of you and not think about anything in my 'real' life for a few days!! woo hoo!
When you train you train with the best. And I can't think of more accomplished drinkers than hobos at bus stops!
I think I remember one of the hobos even saying to me, " Dont you think you should go to your box and sleep it off, let me call you a shopping cart"
Damn it. I almost forgot to get a orange wrist band. Last day here and i hope i can fine two. Any ideas of where to look. I heard Spences so thats where i will start. Any other ideas will be very helpful. Ty everyone.
Sorry heard dollar store, but if worse comes to worse try and orange highlighter be creative, tape, paper, highlighter X on one day, XX the next and so on.. we will know what it means..LOL good luck
4 sleeps!! last day of work tomorrow then a full weekend of preparing! I don't think I'll be able to sleep Sunday night! So excited to get there and meet everyone!!
Just thought I would say Hi. getting excited about our trip to Temptation. we will be there from April 16 to 23. Jeff & Deb have been taking about this place and without knowing it we actually booked a trip there with a little over lap with them. see you soon Shawn & Sheila