HEY NOW JAMIE ... BE NICE!! I CAN BE A BIT DIZZY AT TIMES, I AM A BLONDE!! I still couldn't see it even the third time through- :aktion034: duuhhh- but looks like all nine of us are in for May 23rd, if that day is chosen for the Booze aka Boobs Cruise!! artyhorn:
Hey if we couldn't make fun of the blondes of the world we wouldn't be as happy of a place! (See now my ass is grass and every blonde that will be at TTR at the same time as me will be hunting me down.... nice to feel wanted. ) We've all been there, done that... which makes it all the more fun to point out. :aktion061: Sorry we're gonna miss you by a day. Jamie
:wave: Does anyone have a count for the Booze cruise on the 18th!! I think we are at 25??:icon_biggrin:
From what I can tell from the people that said they would go on the 18th it looks like there are around 30 people. We only need 25 to get one correct???
:mnm::mnm::mnm: 30!!! I think we have launch for a Booze Cruise on the 18th!! Getting excited!! May Booze cruise flags fly!! LOL!
This is what I have for May 23rd - I just went thru the thread fast so if I made a mistake - I apologize!! 9 in my group NJFUNINSUN PIRATZJB TOMNROZ AUSSIESMOOTHCPL STACYJERSEYSHOREGIRL NTP TERRYB MIKENKATHIE KIARRA RTK ICECUBE88 BAMBI SHARK
okay, i'm a diz once again-- didn't even see this post till after i posted mine!! Guess the 18th won!! Bummage!!
Don't throw in the towel yet... both the 18th and the 23rd were posibilities and since your party alone is 9 of the 25 needed there is always a good chance.... Steve should be putting up the sign up sheets anyday now..... Jamie
Just to let you all know I'm keeping an eye on this thread, sign up threads are normally about one month in advance so not long to go now - still have to sort out the early May crowd and then this timeframe will be next. It's all about the numbers, we need at least 25 to make it a go but 30+ is much better, maximum of 50. If we have enough people interested then we'll run two (about 5-6 days apart) to include as many people as possible.