We worked in NW Ontario and all our food came from Winnipeg, MB. From what I gathered the lack of corn fattening thing was realted to the government food board or some such thing wanting to limit meats fat content. Americans are a lot of things, but afraid of a little fat, we are not.....
I would be surprised if the government had that kind of regulation. They are primarily concerned about hygiene, health of the animals, etc.. And of course, ensuring animal byproducts are not included in feed (No mad cow thank you). I think the choice of feed is probably determined by economic reasons. The west doesn't grow much corn so they would elect for grain fed. I have seen documentaries on the food industry in the US. Not fun to be a chicken. Or any other food animal for that matter. Mass production isn't pretty. The seed companies have locked up the market. So have the meat producers. The family farm is pretty much a thing of the past. I would have to agree with Temple Grandin. Just because we are going to eat them doesn't mean we can't treat them with some compassion.
Its not just the US. SE Ontario has plenty of factory farms. We are lucky in that we can by high quality beef/pork locally as we live in a rural area. I have never done it, but had some beef a friend bought while at hunting camp and it was excellent. The hamburger was even tender.
Sorry. It sounded like I was pointing a finger at the US. The documentary I watched was American. I'm sure it is happening here in Canada, as well. No doubt in Europe, too. I may be coming off as a bleeding heart. I think it would be ideal to be compassionate to the animals while still meeting our needs.
I see there is a new Republican budget proposal that is even willing to tackle Medicare and Medicaid. This should be interesting.
rdubnpk The primary thing we need to do to cut the budget is to stop being the world's policeman. How many billions of dollars are (and have been) spent in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya. Not to mention maintaining military facilities all over the world. This made sense when the USSR was a big threat in Europe but not any more. We are being bled dry while China sits back and takes over the world.
I think you all need: Military reformation and withdrawl Gun Control Prison reform Government Funded Healthcare a centralized approach to Government based in Ottawa :flagcanada: and a strong Canadian Buck to support you LOL Sorry Jamie, Zackman, Ed, jmg944t and a few others I couldn't resist :icon_lol: :icon_wink:
Anybody want to know where Bob lives? With a good prairie wind behind him he could even throw a snowball across the border. Sorry to out you Bob.