Who fell victim to it? I keep reading about it and hoping we don't. So, who didn't make it to dinner/the first night's activities due to going too hard the first day? I keep telling myself, "not me", but I've been known to go overboard sometimes. The sun only makes it worse. Vince on the other hand, he's usually the responsible one and controls himself better than I do. :angel1: e
I think everyone has either done it or has come close enough to wear they drank themselves sober lol. . it took me until about my 3rd trip to come up with a schedule on what I need to do and eat in order to make sure Im awake and standing from 10am to at least 4am, Now its like a well oiled drink machine haha
Guilty. Last trip, Jackie had to shower me and put me to bed after I thought it would be a good idea to skinny dip in the ocean then roll around in the sand around 10 or so at night. Still made it to breakfast by 9 and started it all over again! I held it together pretty well the rest of the trip. Jason
As my screen name implies (my friends nicknamed me Lil Drunk E), I'm no stranger to drinking too much, unfortunately. I'd be pissed at myself for missing a night (or day, I suppose) because I got all wrapped up in first-day fun and forgot there's stuff to do in the evening that I need to pace myself for. e
We did as well as everyone we made friends with there! The drinks go down SO EASY, you are having so much fun you barely notice how much you are actually drinking. Combine that with being tired from traveling half the day and you have snooze city! PACE YOURSELF and you *might* be okay. I think it was the wet pussy shots that got us. Sneaky little suckers!:drunk:
Good point. Our first flight leaves at 5:20 AM so it will be a LONG day to make it to 2,3, or 4 AM. I highly doubt we could do it. Never know. I'll watch out for the wet pussy shots. Maybe just one??? Is that even possible?? e
I was up the next morning, feeling fine, at 6:30 to save chairs and just avoided a FEW of the shots when they came around as to not overdo it again! I definitely learned my lesson the first day!
I always keep some red bull and extra water and orange juice in my fridge too. When you start getting drunk and tired, have a vodka, red bull and orange juice mix drink... it cures a lil of everything and tastes good too...