Apr 4-11 This will be my 4th trip to TTR since Oct 2009. Single and lovin it !! TTR is the perfect place to fit in with everybody !! Your gonna have a blast :icon_smile:
Heck we are older than anybody and time has taken its toll and we still have fun . This will be our 5th time to TTR in 4 years.
Trust me, Im way over the hill and far from a size 6, and I have only met a few A holes there that where snobs because of the way they look(could count them on my right hand), and Im going on my 14th trip, if your a nice person it doesnt matter what you look like!
My second trip single and am by no means a size 5, but I'm fun and flirty (as you are) and sex appeal comes in many sizes and package babe. No worries - it's all good Love the "fluffy" remark by the way Jimbo!