cancuncare/saggy bottom new orleans reunion october 2011

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by diamondheaded, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. Bart/Annette

    Bart/Annette Life begins at 40!!! Registered Member

    May 31, 2005
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    Near St Louis
    +272 / 0

    French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana

    Host Hotel

    “It’s been said that the French Quarter begins in the lobby of the hotel Monteleone. In fact, this venerable establishment sits majestically at the foot of Royal Street” Giving guests the best point of departure for all things New Orleans“.

    I normally like to rant, but for this one there is no need - the grande dame speaks for herself Hotel Monteleone « New Orleans Luxury Hotel & French Quarter Hotel

    Booking & Registration

    Booking and registration for the event is very simple. In order to receive the special group rate for this event, please identify yourself as part of the group: Make-A-Wish Benefit Reunion. The telephone number for reservations is 1-800-535-9595. Once you book with the hotel you are registered for the event. The room rate is $175.00 per room/per night.

    If you have any questions let me or t know at we would also like for you to let us know once you book so we can confirm those attending

    We are expecting the full allotment of rooms to be taken so make sure you book/register quickly. If you are planning on going and expect to automatically be “in” because of your verbal commitment - please think again. We do expect you though, as we based our agreement with the hotel on the verbal tally. But please understand that from this point forward, these rooms are first come first serve basis……….. so if you have committed please book soon so that you can make sure you have a room at the host hotel.

    The Hotel Monteleone is fantastic and at a great location just a block off Bourbon on Iberville. Booking is very easy, so be sure to get your room booked soon.
  2. Bonez

    Bonez Addict Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The true birthplace of the greatest sport on froze
    +2 / 0
    Thanks guys, one of the first things we did was reserve a room. Then we got Airfare. Now a little Canuck fund raising and we should be good to go!!
  3. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    +3 / 1
    agree bart

    very soon indeed - our allotted amount is going quicker than i suspected

    and why not its going to be one helluva weekend

    why wait to book?

    if you know you are going - book it today - it does not cost anything to book today (dont pay until check out) and more importantly it assures you that you get a room and at the rate its going........they are all going to be gone in the next few weeks and i may be in a spot where i have to go back and ask for additional rooms (hopefully they will allow this)


    your correct bart - the monteleone is as you say "fantastic"

    in fact, it took us well over two months of negotiations with the Make-A-Wish Foundation and hotel executives to get this prized hotel and this prime location for our reunion.

    it was well worth our patience :)

    I have also just been informed via kristen that they are going to have the roof top swimming pool heated and open for us on that friday afternoon for all those arriving (new event to be scheduled very soon :))

    roof top heated swimming pool at the hotel monteleone

    the carousel bar in the monteleone lobby is also the ideal setting from which to begin the second line storybook/fairytale character themed parade and pub crawl. it fits with the parade theme perfectly. les and lynfa know how to decorate really well (see last years halloween party) and they will touch this place up with up a notch or two with tons of balloons and decorations (dont worry les/lynfa ill get t to help)

    carousel bar in the hotel monteleone (starting point for parade)

    again thanks for your efforts down there we are really looking forward to you and annette hosting the "friday night on the town" after our "meet and greet" in the river view room on the roof of the hotel monteleone high atop the french quarter (the views are incredible from that room)

    riverview room at hotel monteleone site of friday nights "meet & greet"

    thanks so much for your efforts and all you guys are doing bart.


    eva and brian will be in new orleans all next week solely for the purpose of sponsorship recruiting and gift bag creation - the way eva is going with this -

    hell, the guest gift bags alone are going to be worth the trip to new orleans

    your friend

  4. Bonez

    Bonez Addict Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The true birthplace of the greatest sport on froze
    +2 / 0
    Did I just hear a koala bear enter the room???

    Yes Rob this is sounding like an epic event!
  5. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    +3 / 1
    you got it brad


    im also letting the cat out of the bag here and now (its a good news/bad news kind of thing)

    the bad news is:

    this is going to be last big party t and i will ever we have both decided to go into retirement from all the big ones after this reunion in new orleans this fall :icon_cry:

    the good news is:

    its going to be the last big party :) :headbanger:

    ..........and what this means is that everyone is going to be there and we are going out with a boom a bang and bada bing.............on BOURBON STREET BABY.......... it aint going to suck one bit :)
  6. Bonez

    Bonez Addict Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The true birthplace of the greatest sport on froze
    +2 / 0
    Remember Brett Farve is from the area we might need to get him to coach you on the retirement thing!! LoL

    And when a ball gets dropped somebody usually picks it up!!!
  7. halifaxdan

    halifaxdan I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    Halifax NS Canada
    +49 / 2
    $802 a piece for flights to New Orleans from here for these dates. So were into about $2000 for flight /hotel, and we still need spending money(booze,food). We can do 7 nights at Temptation way cheaper than that. Flights in Canada suck! They're so expensive...
  8. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    +3 / 1
    t and i just went ahead and booked our room only

    the plane fares (even from here) are through the roof today and as we all know that can change faster than a blink of the eye or a meaningless speech in the middle east

    no rush on booking plane tickets - we just figured we would go ahead and let everyone on cancuncare who is wanting to go and participate in this incredible know today (well in advance) that the normal rates for this hotel at that time of the year will be close to double the amount we have presently secured

    and more importantly...........

    this rate will only be good until those rooms in our allotment are taken or june 15th (whichever comes first) and with the way in which large numbers of saggy bottoms are gobbling up the alloted rooms.......and as i have stated previously ----------- all these room will in fact be taken

    they always are :)

    remember gunslingers, golddiggas and geronimhoes from last year...and all who missed out on this uniquely spectacular extravaganza of a party?

    all spaces taken - just saying


    so why the concern about cancuncare peeps?

    well, over the years, we have heard from countelss people on cancunare that they have always wanted to (a) be a part of one of these big parties (b) wanted to have a cancuncare reunion somewhere fun with tons of fun people (c) always wanted to go to new orleans.... as a trip to new orleans was a bucket list item

    so - well - uhhhumm - here you have it :) ............

    served up with kid gloves on a lenox marchesa palatial garden oval platter with multi colored icing, whipped cream and bright red cherry on top :)

    not only do we have all three covered and smothered backwards and forwards at the best hotel in new olreans and a rate that is basically half the normal price....... but we also have multiple planned events for the weekend, a drawing for free rooms/prizes, multiple contests

    hell................we even have our very own police escorted, second line, band led, themed parade/pub crawl straight through the heart of the vieux carre with upwards to 200 people participating and all the while benefitting an incredible charity (the Make-A-Wish Founation) for which we have already raised over $11,000.00

    not to mention- a few very special things only for those who attend :icon_cool:

    not to sound arrogant or dare i say omniscient here guys :wink3:

    but..............i severely doubt that one could ever have a better package deal to new this

    so for those canuncare people wanting (or very seriosuly considering attending) to be a part of this once in a life time/ life changing event..... i strongly suggest (based upon expereince with previous parties of this size and nature) to you to go ahead and at the very least book your room...........

    you can do like me and t and work out the flight arrangements when the rates come back down next week or the week after

    but there is no way possible you are going to get a better rate on the hotel - especially after the alloted block of rooms all get gobbled up

    so for those going - i highly advise yet again - please move forward and least book your rooms

    its this simple:

    Contact the hotel and identify yourself as part of the group: Make-A-Wish Benefit Reunion. The telephone number for reservations is (800) 535-9595. Once you book with the hotel you are registered for the event.

    the best

  9. Bonez

    Bonez Addict Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The true birthplace of the greatest sport on froze
    +2 / 0

    Yes they suck from Canada. We got luck and got them on miles for 200 a piece. Dan pm me and I can give you a couple of Ideas to look at.
  10. B & B

    B & B Guru Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The Hub of the Niagara Pennisula, Ontario
    +1 / 0
    Dan, just checked for you on random dates, Oct 20 to 27, Thurs-Thurs.

    From Halifax to New Orleans, 2 people return, 1472.02 total all in.
    Same date but from Bangor Maine, 930.36 all in, those are all C$.

    Save 550.00 flying out of Bangor, can probably get a room for the night you leave in Bangot and you are still ahead.
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