That's it, work done, off tomorrow spend the day packing and getting organized then off to the airport Sat at noon. 2 more sleep and here I come....:beer4:
DaShell.. you and your hubs should totally join the Boobs Cruise march 30th! We wanna make it a full house!!
Come on people.. if any of you are there March 30th, sign up for the Boobs Cruise! We have 40 deposits! 10 more!! Youuu know you wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna!!
From what I've heard, men can't wear shirts at all. Could be wrong as last time we were there we missed lingerie night, but I've seen it discussed a few times on this forum. Apparently they are strict at the door... only underwear for men (what type is your call) and no cameras of any kind.
See you there on the 31st! Keep an eye out for us...our first night there is lingerie night! Jeff & Beth
Almost there!! :mermaid:3 more days and I will be sitting by the sexy pool having one, two, heck.. three (more) drinks in the Mexican sun with great friends! I am ready!!:huepfen021::huepfen021::huepfen021:I hope I remember what everyone looks like...although it is not likely, so make sure you say Hi if you see me!! My hair is usually a dead give away. LOL