Jamie you got that one right!!! Cruise between 13-20 we're in!! Jamie, you were on the Boobs Cruise with us when there were so many people on the boat and it got stuck on the sand bar?!?!?! Another boat had to pull us off. Soooo, much fun! Hmmmm, don't remember a whole lot after that:icon_rolleyes:
That was a friday night one to the over 30s Club. The theme of that night was... "OK ladies, if you are going to take your tops off, please stay away from the windows!" Jamie
If Steve's pattern hold then he should start setting up ones about 30 days out. Although I think with the pre-pay of deposits he can start a little earlier but that's his call... Jamie
so far the most days requested are between May 18th and May 25th with an average of 7 people wanting to go on those days, but if it's going to make we need more peeps for one of those days