Well you could always put on on the credit card, it'll get sorted out. As a general guideline - Steve has asked that the CC Boobz Cruise balance be paid for in USD. "You can not buy 'tickets' at the hotel for this cruise. If you ask the tour guys, they will sell you a ticket but it wont be for our boat. Visa is accepted but I would recommend cash, preferably USD rather than pesos." BTW, kinda looks like a butterfly tat on that dancing guys ass. :icon_eek: You gals may be out of luck.
Luck lucky LUCKY guy! Look forward to seeing the Trio at the Sexy pool. Just yell 'Hey where is the April Fools Crew?' OR look for the big burnt Irish guy telling jokes between beers. That will be Kerry (aka K-Man). Come on over, we'll do a shot of whatever you're havin.
Thanks. I knew that steve wanted usd, just wondering about the rest. Wouldnt mind using credit card as long as the exchange rate isn't insane or if I'm going to get charged some random fees. Oh well. Figure it out when i getr there