Welcome! You will love it. My cousin and I arrive on the 18th. Look for us and I'll buy you a drink at the swimup bar.
Great to see you again! Looks like it's going to be a Great time with some Great people!! Is your cousin prepared for the FUN!! LOL:angel1:
we will be at Temptation from the 16th May till the 30th.. had such a great time in November broke our heart to leave after only 7days
Everytime you change your version of your avatar it will disappear until I do the next update. I'm not sure what is happening on yours cause the picture still looks the same but the count is up to ten and I'm only at seven for the roll call (you can see what I'm talking about by holding your cursor over your picture, hitting the right mouse b utton and selecting "Properties" from the menu). So I try to keep up as folks change but your's is changing too rapidly. Jamie
I keep telling her what to expect and I'm not sure that she fully understands what she is going to be experiencing. lol... :mnm: