After going there for 7 years i cant believe it has actually crossed my mind to ask now, but does anyone know of a way to keep from having your clothes from getting that damp feeling? I have been thinking its from the humidity in the room and the air conditioning, just sure if there is a way too avoid it. Would vaccum sealing them work?Is there dryer that you can use at TTR.Sounds like a newbie Q???
That is actually a good question, cuz ive seen people actually have a hard time at the airport, cuz the luggage was 50lbs and under free, they arrive in cancun at like 47lbs or whatever and come back through adding nothing and being over the weight...Ive heard the laundry at TTR takes a few days with advance notice, but I believe there is a washer and dryer at the lil store next door to TTR
sweet, I usually just deal with it,but i guess sittting at home bord today it crossed my thx backs
No problem I know Jamie knows details of the washer and dryer next door and exactly what building and charge etc
Been there done that...was 10lbs over on suitcase that actually had less in it on our first trip to TTR. Key is to do your laundry the day before you leave for home and hope for the best, lol.
I just left a bunch of stuff in our room, like shampoo, sunblock, lotions, etc.... Also a couple pairs of my swim trunks, I am sure someone there is putting them to good use. We were 43 KG on the way there, we were 40KG on the way back.
I find "Depends" helps to reduce the amount of clothing dampness. Oh, did I share too Seriously, it does take some getting used to if you come from a drier climate. Everything feels damp and wrinkles easily. We haven't found a great solution yet. We do hang everything up that we can.
vacumn sealing if should work...........but nothing will help the bed sheets. I hate the smell of the cancun clothes when we get home. Even if it clean it musky.