Not to sound too rude, but why do we have to have people post on this Forum begging for votes for Mrs. Temptation? If winning this contest is really that important you may want to check your priorities, or your self esteem?
Let's see... going to TTR and winning a contest that gets you into another contest that you could win an all expense paid trip back to TTR... sounds like that would be high on MY priority list.... Now, I will grant that people who join just to ask for votes and then never appear again... I agree is a little much..... but posters who have been here for a while I have no problem with asking for votes to win a repeat trip... Oh and posters that sign up a new UserId so they can post something and hide behind a different name... I have a problem with that too. If you don't have enough conviction in your beliefs to use your real name... well maybe you need to check YOUR priorities and self esteem.... But that's just my opinion.. I might be right... Jamie
Interesting first post. Do you have any relation to the other contestants? Or did you just find the request for votes more interesting than everything else about the resort? Just trying to understand what irked you. Any questions about the pool games or food or the rooms or requests for advice on time of year to go or what to bring? My OPINION is there is nothing wrong with requesting votes. Especially if you have already been using the site to plan/research your trip. Aren't the other contestants doing the exact same thing? Just using other methods? I doubt there is over 1000 people who simply come to the site to vote every month without knowing anyone.
Well clearly someone is upset that we CCers are having an effect. I might add that Sherry has been not only a memeber here but has put countless hours into the routine that won her the first stage of the title. I am MOST surprised that someone would make their first post here like they are an offended long term member trying to rally the troups and stop the vote requesting!!!
Wow someone pissed in your cornflakes!!! I've gotten mad in the past when people join this site just to get votes n then we never hear from them again, but w some(like Sherry) its not the case. She's been posting alot on here before being in the contest n has made a tr along w many pics. So she's CC regular n we support our own. If ya don't understand, look at the "No friend left behind" thread. Goodnight...DANO