Can ya do a kilt with no socks? Or is that a fashion disaster? Dont know how to spell "Fopah"???? or ida used that cool word
OMG dont make me laugh sitting in my office out loud all by myself.. people will think I am a little :aetsch004:.. lol
haha I deleted that cause I started thinking maybe my bagpipe joke scaring people off :doh: Ive been told that socks are a MUST twice now. Thanks for the input. Im new to this Irish stuff
You and me both Partydollgirl... :aetsch004: hey I didn't know that the Irish wore kilts and played the bagpipes also..
*faux pas I'm no fashionista, but if you've got the guts to wear a kilt, I'd think you could wear whatever you wanted with it!
As the Kilt is Scottish, i have been to a few Weddings in Ireland and the Bride's Father was wearing one. I also have friends that sport Kilts is a DJ and he is called DJ Kiltboy; they all wear combat boots or construction boots (and it looks friggin sexy) with theirs. AND..... back in the day, before the woolies, men also wore sandles. So if ya wanna wear it, be creative. There is no right or wrong way.