I have tried protein shakes in the past and well yuck I just can't drink it without feeling ill. I even tried it in my oatmeal and I couldn't get rid of the taste so I ended up giving away the whey protein to a friend. I like my aerobic.............I would miss it if I didn't do it. As far as I am concern the heart is my most important muscle. I want it in great shape.
Less than a month to kick my ass in better shape. Gonna aim for 3 lbs a week. I am also gonna increase ab work.
Haha.. thats funny... I was down another pound this morning .. as long as i don't blow it, I having a really hungry day damn it ..lol
Dan, what are your thoughts on Creatine? I have some and I know you are supposed to take some before and after a workout but not sure what it does or if it is safe.
Well it is a substance that is absorbed for lack of a better term into the muscle. Once it collects there it increases muscle cell size as the cells absorb and retain more intracellular water. All of this results in some gain in lean muscle mass. The gain is temporary as when you quit the cycle you flush this and a lot of the water out. Some research suggested that some of the strength gains were kept since the cross sectional area of the mucsle/tendon had been increased during the cycle. Since the muscle developed the strength it tended to be kept.
If u eat alot of red meat creatine isn't very effective as there's some in red meat. You can get some results w creatine but nothing too great