perfect! i wasn't sure if we were allowed to wear a tee shirt in the pool or not... some places don't allow it... but im sure i'll have to! thanks!
Either that or tan before u go. I wore a t shirt last year for a little while. And nobody said anything
You hear the weirdest rules sometimes, are they afraid you'll have a bomb strapped under your t shirt lol. Ok now I get it . They don't want a wet t shirt contest When is that?
I think a wet t shirt contest would be great. But why cover the girls up? They should be free... They shall be free!!!!!
I tan alot and go there dark and it doesn't help. Once Canadian always canadian. I still burn everyday and the shirt just keeps it off my shoulders and gives me a break.
FIND YOUR DICK for couples, about 5 or 6 guys stand behind a board or tarp with holes in it and put there pride threw the holes. Nobody can see the guys. The women then have to find their guys................ ...................................................................... there s a catch............................................... .................................................................. Blind folded