Easy to do in the room. Heat water with coffee maker. Mix Jello and hot water and vodka in a ziplock bag. You can also use a plastic water bottle. Pour into cups and put in fridge. Usually takes about 6 to 8 hours to set in the small fridge. There are numerous recipes online. Just Google it. Hint: Jello comes out of cups easier if you spray them with Pam before filling.
lol.......read about the "boob luge" :flash: the other day, anyone try that with jello shots?.....lol.....seems like that would be fun
That's awesome..never thought of the coffee maker! We make them over here all the time... I'll try to get my group to bring & make some!!
stolen from another thread: :ladiesman1: you get two topless girls to push their racks together and you have a guy/girl on their knees in between them..... saying "ahhh" looking up... Someone pours a beer or drink into the girls cleavages and the guy/girl takes the shot, drink, or beer from underneath Definite ice breaker.....lol
seems like something that could be done with jello shots, whhheeeeeeeeeeee......plop......lol.....be worth more than a few laughs...lol