Boobs Cruise sounds like a must and orla is all up for it but i tend to suffer a bit from seasickness and dont fancy ruining the party by hanging over the side of the boat being sick!! just wondering if it usually a smooth trip or does the water tend to be choppy?? by the sounds of it though there might be enough going on to take my mind off the water!!!!
I suffered last time, mainly due to being hungover lol! Steves fantastic wife Janet gave me a tablet that kicked in within 20 mins and I was fine. Steve will be able to help you out with the name of them, maybe an idea to take a few with you just in case. Lynfa x
we have seen the water both way. we had a girl on there this last time that was sick. i think when she was leaving the hotel she told me she would try it again. it was very rough when we went out this last time. steves boobs cruze is very worth it.!!!!:daveandmo::lotsofmichaelfs:just look at our pictures. hope this helped.
What I did last time was take a Gravol (anti motion sickness) and chased it with a 5 hour power shot to counter react the drowsiness effect ,,,, worked great. A lot of people go under when they feel sick , worst thing to do, go to the front of the catamaran , stand, and look out at the horizon. Your brain can then anticipate the movements, and lesson the effects. Good luck and enjoy :clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy:
When we were on it in August the water was extremely choppy and t didnt help that we had to use the smaller boat being as so many people were no-shows. Anyway one guy with us gets seasick and he took 2 dramamine before we left and was fine, granted he doesnt fall asleep from it, he was up and partying with all of us....But my sister puts the dramamine patch behind her ear when taking boat or plane rides which is a slow release and doesnt make you sleepy...That is what I would reccomend....GOOD LUCK becasue your right it is a MUST!!!!!!:cheerleaders:
Exactly, stay on top and look forward. I get seasick watching ocean scenes on t.v. - not joking. I found out about ten years ago if I drink alcohol and get a good buzz and stay looking forward or keep busy moving - I am fine. I know, I know - sounds like an excuse to drink, but I am serious. But, not too much. The worse thing for me is to have the boat anchored and just moving with the waves. So..........that's why I get in the water instead of staying on the boat when we go snorkeling. I am usually fine if the boat is moving and I stare forward - even if we are rocking hitting waves. Good Luck and don't let it keep you from going. Take a pill and think fun thoughts, keep your mind off of getting sick. Shannon
Try the trans-dermal patch behind the ear. I think it's called scopolomine (probably spelled that wrong) and make sure you put it on before you get there. When I've gone deep sea fishing, I generally put half of a patch behind the ear the night before. It takes some time to kick in. Do not wait till you get there to apply it! Other than that, the best advice I could offer was already given. Watch the horizon as it's something that doesn't move and the mind helps compensate.
Thanks for all that great advice. Not sure if I can get those particular brand here but am going to vegas for 3 nights before cancun so will pick them up there and bring them with me. I like the drinking to take my mind of it idea though!! lol!!