Now that I'm a Cancuncare Guru, I'm going to throw a couple of posting suggestions out there. 1) If you are sharing a profile with your partner put your first name at the end of a post so we all know who is talking. If you don't want anyone to know your name put "- Him". That way if you say something really stupid your wife won't worry that we think she said If you're not sure if it's stupid you could put your wifes name there like I used to do....till she caught me...and now I will never, ever do that again. 2) On your profile there is a section called "Signature". If you are booked put your dates there so everyone knows. People going the same time as you will especially want to know and look out for you. If you are repeaters and not booked maybe put the time of year you regularly go. Like "Mid-April regulars". 3) If you aren't sharing a profile and your partner has his or her own put their Cancuncare name in your signature section. Then if you do say something stupid we'll all know who to feel sorry Just suggestions. I've often seen posts where I think, "They seem like great people...wonder if they go when we do?" It would be nice to know. I also get curious who is posting when a profile is shared. There...said it.
Better listen to him, he has a guitar in his hand. Get out of line and he might smack you in the head with it. Or at least that's what I learned watching wrestling as a kid. For that matter why do they leave all those folding chairs by the ring?
And my goal is to get that next 40 posts in so I can choose my own title. Once I get close I should start a thread to fish for ideas...
Great suggestions Bruce. Wow i used to think you were a dumbass LMAO. Hope people actually read it n listen to you as you even got the mayor agreeing w you lol
Lol I was thinking the same thing... I know there has to be a good title I can think of, but every time I do..I think of another better one.. Good Suggestions Bruce, unfortunately I dont have a significant other to post under, so everything dumb I post is all mine lol. Id like to say Im a mid apriler, but I wish father time would slow the hell down this year so some of us can gather some loot.
ATTENTION Please be advised that responsibility for any dumb responses that appear from this user should be applied to the "her" section.